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Setup and Operations

What is the difference between xGT and xgtd

xGT is the open-source Trovares client. And xgtd is the licensed Trovares xGT server. Both are included in the xGT software distribution.

How do I communicate with the xGT server?

From the Trovares, open-source Python client, available on PyPI as well as included in the distribution. 

Can multiple servers use xGT simultaniously?

Yes. Multiple clients can connect to a single instance of the xGT server. This can be useful to allow multiple users access to a large dataspace (in-memory graph) without having to re-ingest the data for each user/server instance (see next question). Note that multiple users running queries compete for server resources so performance of a given query may not be repeatable.   

Can I run multiple instances of xGT simultaneously?

Yes. The license for the xGT server is fully floating and allows for multiple simultaneous instances. Additional xgtd instances can be started as long as the number of cores requested at startup are available according to the license server. Multiple instances can be useful for users running on different dataspaces (data ingested into each instance is different) or for an environment with a large enterprise instance and one or more smaller, local instances. Note that, by default, xgtd uses all available cores up to the number of physical cores on the host system. To enable regular multi-instance operation, it is generally necessary to specify (limit) the maximum cores to be allowed in each instance in the server configuration file.  

Can xGT run on AWS? 

Yes. The license for the xGT server is fully floating and allows for multiple simultaneous instances. Additional xgtd instances can be started as long as the number of cores requested at startup are available according to the license server. Multiple instances can be useful for users running on different dataspaces (data ingested into each instance is different) or for an environment with a large enterprise instance and one or more smaller, local instances. Note that, by default, xgtd uses all available cores up to the number of physical cores on the host system. To enable regular multi-instance operation, it is generally necessary to specify (limit) the maximum cores to be allowed in each instance in the server configuration file.  

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